Free DIY Wooden Box Designs And Plans

2. Wooden Toy Boxes

You can spend an hour making wooden boxes. These projects can be rewarding and can make your time worthwhile. Toy boxes are a favorite among children.

A wooden toy box can be used to keep your children’s toys organized.

You may need to use basic power tools for this project. To smoothen out any rough areas, use a belt sander.

3. Storage Box

Wooden boxes, especially storage boxes, can be made to save money. You also have the option of making them any size you like. Multiple pieces can be made of the same size.

You can also make different-sized boxes that you can use to store and organize different-sized objects and put them on shelves or in storage areas.

As with any other project, make sure you have your hand tools ready to go. You can find many box-making ideas that you can use during your creative time to help you get ready for your next woodworking job.

4. Deck Box

Another DIY project that you can do is to create wooden boxes. These wooden boxes will instantly give your home character. This box can be made in many different designs.

You can create multiple boxes to add a rustic touch to your home if you’re up for the challenge. It is important to use high-quality materials for this project. Deck boxes are more likely to be exposed to the elements than other boxes.

5. Jewel Box

Another box-making project, this time with carefully chosen materials. This will allow you to create unique boxes for your loved ones or yourself.

A jewelry box makes a great gift idea for someone special. It can be customized to suit the interests and style of your giftee. These box-making instructions are simple to follow if you follow the link.

It is possible to make a better box than what you find in the shop. You can make the lid, handle or corners of your box according to your plans. This is sure to make a wonderful gift.

6. DIY Wooden Crate

A great way to organize your belongings is to make boxes, such as a wooden container. It can be used as decor in your home. You should have all your tools ready. Get your miter gauge, power drill, wood screws, glue, and miter gauge ready.

Before you start this project, make sure that the wood purchased from the store has been cut to the dimensions indicated on the plan. You must ensure that each piece is ready to be used and assembled.

These boxes can be used for storage and home decoration. They are of a higher quality than the stuff you will find in shops.

7. Keepsake Box

This is another wood item that you can make that can hold small items and side pieces that you treasure.

A beautiful addition to your home is an elegant box with a mitered corner, or beautiful joinery at its edges. These boxes can also be used to store memorabilia of different sizes.

This project does not require expensive wood materials or a cutting list. There are many sizes to choose from and you can decide if it will fit in a drawer or on top of a shelf.

8. DIY Card Box

There are many events you can celebrate. These events could include graduations, weddings and anniversaries. These events can be remembered in many unique and unusual ways.

You can make it so that guests can leave messages or cards at the event. These DIY projects will allow you to dress up boxes in order to store your cards and messages. To make your guests’ messages secure, you can arrange boxes with lids.

9. Plan For A Wooden Puzzle Box

You can improve your woodworking skills by making puzzle boxes. You can make a puzzle box that will be a brain-twister and reveal a treasure or treat at the end by paying attention to the details.

This box doesn’t require much wood or lumber. You can even use scrap wood to make it. This DIY project will improve your craft skills and leave you with a decorative box that you can use to decorate furniture pieces in your home.

10. Wooden Book Bin

Many DIY projects can seem daunting or complicated. Fret not! You will be amazed at how easy it is to make a wooden book bin.

A wooden book bin can be a great project that will help you organize your children’s books and display your collection at home. You can use this as a decorative item to decorate your living room and bedroom.

This project can be done by upcycling oldwood shelves or buying pieces at a local hardware store.

11. Rolling Blanket Storage Box

This simple project will show you how to make a box that can hold blankets, sheets, towels, sheets and throw pillows.

This fixture will add character to any room. This project can also be done from old bifold doors you no longer need. Your rolling blanket box will be unique with these dated doors and their intricate designs.

12. Box Dividers Made To Order

By making your own box dividers, you can increase the storage space or make more. These will make it easier to organize your storage boxes. These items can be separated to make it easier to locate and pick up from your storage boxes. These dividers can be customized with decorations or paint. To make a simple box divider, follow the link.

13. Planter Box

Vegetable gardens are a great way to grow your food. It can be rewarding, increase the value of your property, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Planter boxes can be used to create raised garden beds, making it easier for you to tend to your plants. You can also make planter boxes of any size you like, depending on how large your yard is. You don’t need to buy planter boxes at the store. Follow the link below and make your own.

14. Coffee Table In Crate

You can transform boxes and crates into beautiful and elegant rustic furniture to brighten up your porch or living room.

It can also be used as a support for magazines, books, decorative items, and other household items. Making your furniture yourself will save you money and create an original piece.

15. Wooden Crate Dog Bed

It can be expensive to buy a pet bed from a store. It is not only expensive but it can also be a risky investment. Some pet beds are easy to ruin and become tattered from constant use.

It is easy, affordable, and simple to make your pet’s bed. The bed can be made to fit the dog’s size and you can also design it or paint it in any color that suits your taste.

16. Wooden Tool Box

It’s a great way to bond with your child or your family by making your own wooden toolbox. It will not only improve your woodworking skills together, but it can also be a valuable memory that you can look back on in the future.

This toolbox will allow you to give your child a project to work on, and also a place to keep future tools organized. Click the link to build your own wooden toolbox.


These free woodworking plans can help you get started. These wooden box plans can be a beautiful addition to your home.

Start with a simple wooden box project, and then add more complex projects. These projects will amaze you with the variety of side panels and wood products that can be used to sharpen your skills.