How Do You Sharpen A Chain Saw?

You will know how important it is to maintain the sharpness of your chainsaw. Failure to do this can lead to decreased cutting performance and potentially dangerous situations. It is easy to sharpen your chain saw by yourself. This blog will walk you through how to sharpen a chainsaw. We also offer some tips to ensure your chain saw remains sharp. Continue reading to find out more.

Sharpening a chainsaw is not an easy task. You will need specialized equipment to sharpen the chains. If you know what you are doing, however, it is possible for you to sharpen your chainsaw yourself without expensive tools.

Step 1 :

The Chain Must Be Removed Before sharpening a chainsaw, it is important to first remove the blade. This can be done by placing the saw in a bench vice and removing the bolts that keep the blade in place. To slip the blade out of its slots, lift one end of your saw up.

Step 2

Clean the Blade After sharpening your saw, this will make sure it is as sharp and sharp as possible.
After your blade has been cleaned, you can inspect it with a magnifying or power tool. These areas should be removed and ground down before you move on to the next step.

Step 3 :

Sharpen your Saw After you have removed any nicks or imperfections from the blade, you can start to polish it. A saw blade grinder or sharpener is the best tool to sharpen it. These tools can be used to quickly grind out any imperfections.

Step 4 :

After you have sharpened the blade of your chainsaw, it is time to lubricate it! To ensure your saw lasts longer and runs smoothly, apply lubricating oils to it. Oil can be applied to the inside of your bar to prevent rust formation.


  • To secure the saw, use a bench vise
  • Oil to lubricate the teeth of your blade
  • Grinder or Saw Blade sharpener
  • Bristle Brush (to remove metal filings).
  • Pliers
  • Wire brush (to remove rust from blade).
  • File for Metal File or Chain Saw Sharpener
  • These tools will help you keep your saw in tip-top shape. You will also need safety glasses and gloves. You will also need the right type and amount of lubricating oils for your chainsaw.

How To Sharpen A Chain Saw:

It is essential to know how to properly sharpen a chainsaw. This will ensure that your chainsaw runs at its best. This guide will show you how to properly lubricate your chainsaw and how to sharpen it.

Although it is not difficult to sharpen a chainsaw, it requires some tools. To sharpen the teeth of your chain saw, you will need to take the blade off the saw. It is easy to learn how to sharpen your chainsaw if you have these tools.

After you have learned how to sharpen your chain saw, it is time to lubricate the blade to ensure that it runs smoothly. This simple maintenance task can extend the life of your saw by only taking a few minutes.

Sharpen Your Skills:

Chainsaws are powerful tools. It is important to keep them sharp so that you can cut whatever you need. This guide will show you how to sharpen your chainsaw so it is always available when you need it.

To sharpen the blade of your chainsaw, first remove it from the machine. This can be done by loosening the bolts holding the blade in place, and then slipping the blade out of its slots. Clean any dirt or rust from your saw’s blade with a wire brush. To sharpen your saw blade, you can use a grinder or a sharpening tool. After you’re done, it’s time to lubricate your bar to reduce rust.

Right Angles

This file will help you achieve a perfect angle for your chainsaw. This handy guide gives you consistent angles so that your chainsaw remains razor-sharp.

  1. Use a rotary tool and a grinder wheel to begin sharpening the edges of the blade.
  2. Flatten any rough edges with your file.
  3. Use lubricating oils to clean your chain after use. This will ensure that it runs smoothly and reduces the chance of rust.
  4. To secure your saw, place it in a bench vice and tighten the bolts. Use a wire brush to clean any dirt and rust from the blade. This will give you an accurate idea of how dull or sharp your blade is.
  5. You can use a file to ensure that all rough spots are smooth and flat.
  6. Once you have reached a angle of less than 30 degrees, stop filing.
  7. Oil the blade and the inside of your bar to reduce rust without sacrificing cutting power.
  8. Enjoy the experience, but remember to be safe! A chainsaw can be dangerous and requires skill. Before you start, make sure to have a partner who can help you with the chainsaw.
  9. To create an angle that is perfect with your saws teeth, place the file’s top against the blade.
  10. To prevent injury, use light pressure but not too much while filing.
  11. You should place the file in the same spot as when you were using the rotary tool to grind, but push it down directly into the blade.
  12. To get your blade sharpened perfectly, you may need three files. Each file is different and you will get better at using them.
  13. To smoothen any edges that have been too sharpened or not properly, use a file with a slight curve.
  14. To avoid filing excessive material, only file in one direction.
  15. To sharpen the blade evenly on both sides, place the file against its top.
  16. You can push down on one side of the saw’s teeth and alternate between them until you reach the desired angle. For heavy-duty cutting, you should aim for a maximum of 30 degrees. For light-duty filing, aim for 45 degrees. This is the most common angle that files can achieve.
  17. Every saw is unique. To find the best angle for your blade, hold your file at several angles. You can stick with the one you choose once you have found it.
  18. Your file should be at the same angle as when you created the edge of your saws tooth. However, this time use light pressure and not push down.
  19. To maintain perfect cutting angles, use your chain saw sharpening tool. This is generally done by moving the file in an upside down V shape with the point of V close to the blade.
  20. As you push the second file down, place it evenly along each side of each tooth.
  21. This process can be repeated on two to three teeth to determine if your blade requires filing. Switch to a downward motion if your file becomes dull.

Get Out Of Your Body:

Chain saws can be dangerous and should be treated with care. It is important to learn how to properly sharpen chain saws so you don’t get hurt. This guide will help you do that.

These three items will help you determine if your chain needs sharpening:

  • Are the edges bent or nicked? If this is the case, it will be necessary to take out that portion of the blade.
  • Is your saw vibrating when you turn it on or off? It may be dull if it vibrates when you turn it on.
  • Do your teeth appear to be pointing inwards or are they uneven? You will need to file them if this is the case.

Check Depth Gauge Heights:

You need to ensure that the depth gauge heights have been properly adjusted if you want to keep your chainsaw in tip-top condition. This guide will help you do the job right. In just a few steps you can get your chain saw ready for action.


People who work with wood need chainsaws. Chainsaws are not only used by tree cutters but also electricians and contractors to down power lines in storms. They can also be used by homeowners to remove fallen trees from their properties. Knowing how to properly measure a chainsaw bar cutter blade will ensure it fits your needs.